Welcome to the Federal Ministry of Water Resources & Sanitation

The Federal Ministry of Water Resources & Sanitation is created to provide sustainable access to safe and sufficient water to meet the cultural and socio-economic needs of all Nigerians in a way that will enhance public health, food security and poverty reduction, while maintaining the integrity of fresh water ecosystem of the nation. Other mandate of the Ministry includes the following:

  • Formulation and implementation of Water Resources & Sanitation Policy Programme;
  • Development and support for irrigated agriculture for food security;
  • Collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of hydro-meteorological and hydrological data;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes for effective performance;
  • Supply of adequate and potable water for domestic and industrial uses;
    Provision of adequate sanitation and maintenance of water quality
  • Exploration and development of undergrounded water resources;
    Formulation and review, from time to time, of National water legislation;
  • Liaison with all relevant national and international agencies on all matters relating to water resources development; potentials.
  • and support of studies and research on the nation’s underground and surface water resources

The Mandate of the Ministry

The Ministry’s mandate is to formulate and implement policies, projects and programmes that will enable sustainable access to safe and sufficient water to meet the social, cultural, environmental and economic development needs of all Nigerians, for all uses, in ways that contribute to enhancing public health, food security, eradicating poverty while maintaining the integrity of freshwater ecosystem of the nation. The Ministry’s responsibilities within the mandate are as follows:

  1.  Formulate and review National Water Resources Policy and Legislation;
  2.  Formulate and implement a Master Plan for the overall development of the water resources of the country in a systematic, integrated and coordinated manner;
  3. Explore, develop and manage surface and underground water resources through construction of Dams, Barrages, Dykes and other Hydraulic structures for flood control, water supply, hydro-power generation, and other purposes;
  4. Develop Irrigation Infrastructure to support food production for enhanced national food security;
  5. Collect, store, analyze and disseminate hydro-meteorological, water quality and hydrological data and Information;
  6. Support and promote Studies and Research on the nation’s underground and Surface Water Resources potentials;
  7. Promote integrated approach to Water Resources Management;
  8. Promote high level advocacy for Water Sanitation and Hygiene;
  9. Collaboration and cooperation with all relevant National, Regional and International Agencies on all matters relating to water resources development including transboundary water management; and
  10. Support, Monitor and evaluate the programmes and performances of the Ministry’s Agencies and Parastatals.

Our Vision Statement

To provide sustainable access to safe and sufficient water for cultural, social and economic development needs of the nation.

Our Mission Statement

To be the vehicle of Nigeria’s Integrated Water Resources Management and development contributing optimally to the socio-economic activities of the nation.

The Honourable Minister

The Permanent Secretary

Latest News and Press Release

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