Director III, Water Supply

She is a 1994 graduate of Chemical Engineering from the University of Port-Harcourt, Rivers State.
She joined the Federal Civil Services in the year 2000 as a Senior Hydrologist .She proceeded to the prestigious Harbug-Ham burg University of Technology Germany for her Diploma in Wastewater Management, Advanced Management course and a Diploma in Deutsch (German) Language.
On her return to the Ministry in 2002, she was posted to the then Department of Water Supply and Quality Control and was deployed to the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Division of the Department as an M&E Officer on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
She worked closely with UNICEF and other Development Partners in the development of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Information Management System (WASHIMS) which is the platform for the reporting of WASH data in Nigeria. She has also worked in other various fields in the WASH sector.
In 2016, she was deployed to start the Urban Sanitation and Wastewater Management Division in the Department of Water Quality Control and Sanitation, which has evolved to a full-fledged Division in the Department.
She is a registered member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Council for the Regulation of Engineers in Nigeria (COREN) and other numerous professional bodies both locally and internationally.
In the course of her career she has attended numerous professional and management courses, both locally and outside the country. She was promoted to the rank of Director (Hydrologist/Hydrogeologist) GL 17 with effect from 1st January 2022.
She is currently the Director III in the Department of Water Quality Control and Sanitation. She is happily married with Children. She loves Children and the youth, reading, sports and charity works.